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Where is the largest statue in the world?

 The Statue of Unity is the world's tallest statue at 182 metres (597 ft). It rises 54 metres (177 ft) higher than the previous record holder, the Spring Temple Buddha in China's Henan province.Where can you find the largest, gilded depictionsof Buddhas? Find out as we look at the Biggest StatuesIn The World. Number 11 Grand Buddha at Ling ShanRanking in just outside of the top ten of the world's largest statues is the Grand Buddhalocated in the Chinese city of Wuxi . Like many of the statues on this list, this monumentis an ode to a great Buddhist figure. Resembling the celestial buddha known as Amitabha, the 700-ton bronze being measures 289 feet tall. It was erected on a 30 foot sculpture of alotus flower at the top of a gorgeous, 217-step staircase, surrounded on all sides by scenicforested hills. The Grand Buddha was unveiled to the publicin 1996 and has enjoyed visitation from tourists ever since. In 2008, a pair of palaces were built to thesouth-east, giving visitors to the region one more reason to experience this colossalBuddha in person. Number 10 Awaji KannonLooming over the Japanese town of Higashiura is the great white statue of popular Buddhistgoddess Guanyin .

It is called Awaji Kannon for its location on Awaji Island, an islandtypically noted for its dedication to preserving and promoting traditional puppet theatre performances. But the beautiful, pale statue brought a wholenew attraction to the isle upon its completion in 1982. While many Buddhist statues are either fundedby religious organizations, government agencies, or locally crowdsourced funds, the Awaji Kannonis the product of a single man's vision. A businessman from Osaka made his fortunein real estate before deciding to have this statue built. Once it was finished, it featured a museum,several small businesses, and an observation floor all within its interior. However, due to it being private property,the esteem of the statue plummeted drastically when the owner and his wife passed away. Unmaintained for years, the statue has growndecrepit with entry being deemed too hazardous to allow. Instead, it sits empty, maintaining its spotas an Awaji Island landmark and being enjoyed exclusively from afar. Number 9 Rodina-Mat' Zovyot! The only European entry to make this listis a symbol of feminine power in a statue called "Rodina-mat' zovyot", or "The MotherlandCalls" as it translates in English. With a height of 279 feet this statue is thetallest in all of Europe, and is the highest standing of any statue of a human woman. The figure is a metaphorical representationof the Russian "Motherland" and her iconic pose is meant to symbolize a call to armsin the face of enemies. Most of the other statues in this video tendto have been built in the last few decades, but this monumental piece dates back to 1967when it was unveiled after 18 years of work. Wire ropes and prestressed concrete hold thestatue together, as the unique pose and weight distribution required a finessed touch topull off. The sword wielded by the Rodina-Mat Zovyotwas initially made of the steel with titanium plating, but in 1972, the blade was replacedentirely with one made of stainless steel. This was due to weight distribution issues,as well as an audible side effect in which sheets of metal would create a thunderouscacophony that echoed through the Volgograd valley. Number 8 Daikannon of Kita no Miyako parkFormerly the tallest statue in the world, reigning between 1989 and 1991, this buddhiststatue is now the third tallest in Japan. Plans to erect this great edifice began in1975 and it portrays the Buddhist figure known as Guanyin, Avalokitesvara or Kannon , asshe is known in Japan. Lining the inside of this monument are 20floors of shrines and other tributes to Buddhist beliefs. Like many of the statues on this list, anelevator is installed within the statue to allow easy access to its multiple stories,peaking on the 20th floor with a viewing platform. From here, visitors are granted a picturesque,panoramic perspective of Ashibetsu and the Hokkaido region. The ivory interpretation of this goddess ofmercy is a beautiful addition to the surrounding area as well, with winters blanketing thesurrounding town and mountains with fresh snow each year. Number 7 Great Buddha of ThailandAt 302 feet tall, the Great Buddha located in Wat Muang [wuht mwang] is the largest statueon all of Thailand. Built of concrete and painted gold, the largeBuddha is took 18 years to craft. The statue was made using public funding fromfaithful buddhists eager to contribute to the project. Costing 104.2 million Thai baht [bat], oraround 3.2 million US dollars, the massive, 210-foot wide Buddha stands out as a shininglandmark for the Ang Thong province. It was originally commissioned as a meansof commemorating the late King Bhumibol , Thailand's longest reigning monarch. Though it's construction took an extendedamount of time to conclude, it still finished in time for the King to enjoy it in 2008,eight years before he would pass away while still on the throne. Number 6 Qianshou Qianyan Guanyin of WeishanFramed by an explosion of arms and hands, the statue of the Avalokitesvara , in theHunan province of China, is known as Qianshou Qianyan Guanyin of Weishan or the GuishanGuanyin of the Thousand Hands and Eyes. It is the fourth-tallest statue in the People'sRepublic of China at about 325 feet tall. This gilded bronze creation was establishedby the Ningshan county government with additional funding provided by local businesses and religiousgroups. It cost 260 million yuan in total, the equivalentof almost 39 million US dollars, with construction completing in 2009. The bodhisattva represented here is a specialone that is meant to embody the combined empathy of all Buddhas. While statues in this figure's honor are plentiful,this is by far the largest representation of the beloved Buddhist deity. Number 5 Ushiku DaibutsuThough it may look like stone, this hulking representation of Amitabha Buddha is reallya bronze statue measuring 330 feet high! Within this Japanese statue is a four storybuilding that acts as a museum of sorts.

Each floor has a different title and matchingtheme, creating a unique experience for visitors. The first of these is the floor of InfiniteLight and Infinite Life. Upon entering, visitors will encounter a darkchamber, illuminated by a single column of light pouring down onto a cauldron of litincense, as music plays from the center of the room. Past this enigmatic feature is an elevatorwhich leads to the other three floors. The next level is almost 33 feet high andcalled the World of Gratitude and Thankfulness and is mainly just purposed for studying scriptures. From here you can ascend to the World of theLotus Sanctuary, which displays around three thousand different golden Buddha statues between65 and 98 feet off the ground. The final floor, titled the Room of Mt. Grdhrakuta, acts as an observatory, giving attendees a spectacular view at almost 280 feet high. Number 4 Sendai DaikannonThe tallest statue of a goddess in Japan is the Sendai Daikannon which encapsulates thelikeness of Japan's Kannon , a praised Bodhisattva among Buddhists. At a height of 330 feet, it's actually tiedwith Ushiku Daibatsu for the spot of fourth tallest statue in the world! This structure preceded the former entry bytwo years when it was unveiled in 1991, enjoying a short reign as the world's tallest statueduring that period. The figure herself is shown in her NyoirinKannon form, bearing a wish-fulfilling gem that appears in both Buddhist and Hindu beliefs,the lore of which holds strong similarities to the western world's legendary "philosopher'sstone". The ground floor of the statue hosts a varietyof smaller statues, 33 in total, all representing the deity in her other forms. Along with these are sculptures of dark monstrosities,representative of the Chinese zodiac. An elevator past this segment brings visitorsto the top of the Sendai Daikannon , granting an amazing view, while the stairwell backdown presents another 108 buddhist statues! Number 3 Laykyun SekkyaCheckered with rectangular windows on each of its 31 floors, Laykyun Sekkya may justbe one of the planet's most uniquely shaped towers along with being among the talleststatues. The 380-foot tall structure stands in theSagaing Region of Myanmar as a depiction of the Buddha Gautama . Similar to other Buddhiststatues, this rendition features the statue perched on a lotus flower. Construction of this spectacular buildingtook 12 years to complete and the Laykyun Sekkya statue opened to the public in 2008. As magnificent as the exterior of this statueis, the interior matches it in beauty with each of the 31 layers featuring exquisitepaintings recounting Buddhist lore. While most show gorgeous scenes of prayer,figures of importance, and other hallowed temples and statues, the lower levels aren'tquite as positive. In an attempt to steer followers away frombad habits and evil behavior, these first few levels highlight horned, devilish creaturesalong with scenes of pain, agony, and worse. Number 2 Spring Temple BuddhaTaking eleven years to finish, the titanic, copper statue of Vairocana within the Henanprovince of China is a testament to the praise felt towards the celestial buddha. Rising 502 feet into the air, the monumentknown as the Spring Temple Buddha is the combination of an 82-foot, lotus-shaped pedestal and the420-foot figure. The great, peaceful effigy weighs more than2.2 million pounds as 1,100 large pieces of copper comprising its frame. The whole of the monument tops a Buddhistmonastery, giving Buddhist locals and travelers an incredible landmark in which to take pride. All together, the project cost about 55 milliondollars, but that includes the cost of the monastery and rest of the estate. The statue itself accounted for around 33percent of that cost at a price tag of 18 million dollars. Along with this gorgeous work of art, theBuddhist temple here is renowned for the nearby Tianrui hot spring which is said to have healingproperties and is the inspiration behind this statue's name. Number 1 Statue of UnityErected to celebrate beloved Indian activist and leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel , theworld's tallest statue is actually relatively new. Located within the Narmada district of Gujarat, India, this statue has towered above the Narmada River since October 31, 2018...Patel's143rd birthday! The statesman received such an honorary monumentdue to the vital role he played in uniting 562 princely states to become the Union ofIndia and as the greatest supporter of activist Mahatma Gandhi. Thus, it was well-deserved when the finishedtribute to his contributions required 5 years to build, cost 420 million dollars to construct,and measured an impressive 597 feet tall. What great monument do you want to visit most? 

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